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The HUD Division within Nova conducts on-site inspections to evaluate the general
condition, overall design, and structural elements of the Property buildings. Document reviews are also conducted to review previous and planned capital expenditures. Nova’s Property Condition Needs Assessment (PCNA) complies with the HUD MAP/LEAN Guidelines and offers a complete narrative on the condition and adequacy of the site and building improvements, 包括所需的表格和信息. 维护等项目, 直接成本估算(生命安全/ADA和非关键), CNA电子工具中的年度替代储备, 对建筑与未完成工作的瑞丰乐投letou的评论, ADA的可访问性, FHA, 和UFAS/504合规包括在内. Nova的第一阶段
Environmental Site Assessments (ESAs) also comply with HUD MAP/LEAN Guidelines. The ESAs are conducted to identify potential environmental concerns for on-site activities, 线下活动, 遵守联邦法规, state, and local agencies which are also included in HUD Environmental Review Online System (HEROS).


Nova’s team members have extensive experience performing and managing high quality, thorough, 及时报告. Our staff includes Registered Architects, Professional Engineers, and Construction Specialists. Nova’s PCNA employees have a robust understanding of facility operating systems, MEP systems, 建筑完成, 结构系统, 生命安全系统, 和ADA无障碍遵守. Nova的ESA员工接受过设备操作系统方面的培训, federal, local, 以及州监管要求, 以及通过空气运输化学物质, soil, soil vapor, 地表水, 和地下水. 另外, 如有需要,诺瓦可咨询全国各地的工作人员, 谁是各自领域的专家和领导者.



Nova的专有软件, NECA Tables, were created in-house to assist our clients and in-house staff with Critical, 非关键, R4R表的创建和修改. NECA tables give Nova and their partners more control over how the component tables will be delivered to HUD. 这些表格在HUD之外
purview. NECA表与HUD的CNA e-Tool 3无缝集成.0系统创建一个精简的流程提交. Revision times are now dramatically decreased using our exclusive, new NECA Tables.

Our NECA Tables also integrate with HUD’s Financial Factors Tool (FFT) for (R4R) compliance to assist Lenders in determining their Initial and ongoing Annual Deposits over 20-years. 通过结合FFT, Lenders have greater control with the ability to adjust several key factors, 从而大大简化了承保流程.


  • 草案印发后,专门负责修订工作的人员.

  • 定制模板,更快的交付/周转时间.

  • Dedicated Senior Manager and Project Managers (Assessors) for your account (you will speak with the same personnel regarding any deal in your account).

  • Dedicated pricing allowing acceleration of your deal from originations to site visit date.


  • 在业务开始前向客户提供文件清单.

  • 实地考察日期要求在5个工作日内参与.

  • Continuous document review before report delivery date including clear communication channels with client and Property personnel.

  • 在实地考察后30天内交付报告草稿.





HUD RAD pcna

HUD MAP/LEAN第一期环境地盘评估(ESAs)

资本需求评估(CNAs) -在线.0 System



HUD兼容基线 & 全面石棉测试及O&M Plans

HUD合规含铅涂料风险评估和O&M Plans

HUD Architectural Cost and Review for New Construction and Sub-Rehabs

考古,湿地和联邦应急管理局研究(5步) & 从流程

HUD侵入式测试(电气 & Sewer)

SEDI,能源基准,ASHRAE一级,二级, & 三、审核和NGBS认证 


What changes were made in the new MAP Guide that was posted on December 18, 2020?

  • 氡测试: The new MAP Guide requires testing of 100% of Property ground-floor units along with 10% of upper units. 所有三个氡区都需要进行检测.

  • 石棉测试: 现在要求所有1989年以前建造的建筑物.

  • Energy: 在更新的MAP指南的第6章中, ENERGY STAR® for Existing Buildings is largely eliminated from the list of approved certifications for Section 223(f) and 223(a)(7) programs except as a means to demonstrate ongoing performance. There will be a two-year grace period allowing properties less than three years old to use ENERGY STAR Existing Building certification; however, 能源之星的分数需要达到90分或以上. 业主可自行选择
    其他被批准的认证项目, such as National Green Building Standard (NGBS) offered by Home Innovation Research Labs. NGBS Bronze certification requires 15% energy savings as well as water savings that can often be achieved with prescriptive measures. A Level 2 or 3 energy audit will be required as will ongoing benchmarking.


HUD Energy






RAD PCA part 2和part 3




地图/ MIP贷款

Nova为HUD MAP贷款提供以下服务:

  1. ENERGY STAR® Portfolio Manager® Statement of Energy Design Intent (SEDI) for new construction/gut rehab or Statement of Energy Performance (SEP) for existing buildings.

  2. ASHRAE Level II energy audit for all substantial rehabilitation projects that achieve an ENERGY STAR® score of less than 60.

  3. ENERGY STAR® verification visits and application submission for existing buildings that achieve a score of 75 or greater.


Properties are required by HUD to complete an energy audit if more than five years old. 另外, each Public Housing Authority (PHA) must conduct an energy audit at least once every five years. The energy audit must identify water and energy conservation measures and resulting cost-savings. Measures will be entered into HUD’s CNA e-Tool as an alternate item on cost projections and to calculate a simple payback for each considered Energy Conservation Measure (ECM).


  1. 对水电费的分析.

  2. An energy walk-through survey to assess ECMs related to building envelope; heating, cooling, and other mechanical systems; water conservation; power; lighting systems; and controls and appliances.

  3. Review of available building plans, specifications, and operations data.

  4. 与物业和维修人员以及住户进行面谈. 

RAD PCA part 2和part 3:



The energy audit must meet ASHRAE Procedures for Commercial Building Energy Audits (2011) Level II guidelines. 审计评估能源和水在工厂的使用情况
property and documents water and energy saving improvements to the property, 改进的成本, 还有简单的经济回报. Energy and water saving measures are entered as alternates in the CNA e-Tool.



The Utility Consumption Baseline assesses data on all utility usage at the property, 租户和业主自付,包括所有公共区域, 整整12个月. A
baseline is established for benchmarking and future measurements of consumption and cost.


  • 对25%的公寓和100%的空置公寓进行检查

  • 检查所有公共区域和共用机械系统

  • 审核建筑平面图和运营数据

  • 与关键现场人员的访谈

对于基准测试、RAD PART 3和能源审计:

客户必须提供整个物业的使用数据, if available, 或者至少100%的业主自付使用率和25%的公寓使用率. For ENERGY STAR® certiication, 100% whole-property data is required, including all tenant areas.

Contact Us. 

克里斯汀·塔特|副总裁,HUD项目经理| Email |电话:281-622-4664,电话:832-401-8321

Ask Us.

Nova Group, GBC (Nova) is an international advising firm providing innovative environmental and engineering services in the areas of risk assessment, 调查, management, 合规和纠正措施活动.

电话:+1 855-440-9393

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